Context validation error for the cfif tag.
The start tag must have a matching end tag. An explicit end tag can be provided by adding </cfif>. If the body of the tag is empty, you can use the shortcut <cfif .../>. The CFML compiler was processing: - The body of a cfoutput tag beginning on line 843, column 42.
- The body of a cfoutput tag beginning on line 843, column 42.
- The body of a cfoutput tag beginning on line 843, column 42.
The error occurred in C:/home/ line 848
846 : <ul class="nav nav-pills row">
847 : <cfif len(product.romantic_copy_long) or (isdefined("is_firearm.recordCount") and is_firearm.recordCount)>
848 : <li class="<cfif len(product.romantic_copy_long) and len(product.spectable)>col-4 active<cfelseif len(product.romantic_copy_long) and len(product.spectable) eq 0> col-8 active <cfelse> col-6</cfelse></cfif>"><h2><a href="##1a" data-toggle="tab"><button>Description</button></a></h2></li>
849 : </cfif>
850 : <cfif len(product.romantic_copy_long) and len(product.spectable)><li <cfif len(product.romantic_copy_long) and len(product.spectable)>class="col-4"<cfelse>class="col-8 active"</cfif>><h2><a id="" href="##2a" data-toggle="tab"><button><cfif len(product.romantic_copy_long) and len(product.spectable)>Specs<cfelse>Description</cfif></button></a></h2></li></cfif>
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